Writing Tip #33

Fiction writers, here are two Elmore Leonard tips on crafting scenes with your characters: “Never use a verb other than ‘said’ to carry dialogue. And never use an adverb to modify the verb ‘said’.”

Writing Tip #65

My favourite lecture about being a writer is this Neil Gaiman commencement speech. Very inspiring!

Writing Tip #22

Write daily, even if it’s just for your personal blog or Medium page. 

Writing Tip #75

Freelance writers don’t have to just write for news outlets. You can write for brands, too, which earns you a higher income than media work.

Writing Tip #30

Read your favourite authors with an analytical eye. Why does their writing engage you? 

Writing Tip #34

Pitch like a pro by researching your topic thoroughly, and include as many relevant quotes and stats as you can.

Writing Tip #29

After your first draft, read it aloud. You’ll find awkward phrases, run-on sentences, grammar errors and much more.

Writing Tip #19

When it’s time to write, close all your browser tabs and turn off your phone. The less distractions pulling you away from your work, the better.

Writing Tip #41

Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, Canada’s granting system will give you $$$ for your projects! As a five-time recipient, I can help you write engaging and eye-catching grants.

Writing Tip #8

Before you write your pitch to editors, ask yourself, “What is timely about this idea? What makes this story important right now?”

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