Introducing my new PR consulting service to help brands get media attention

I’ve been quietly working with several brands and non-profits over the past couple of years to ensure journalists and editors write about their new products, services or initiatives. I feel like it’s time to not be so quiet about it. As you’ll see on my website, I’ve added a quick explainer on what I do […]

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

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