Introducing my new PR consulting service to help brands get media attention

I’ve been quietly working with several brands and non-profits over the past couple of years to ensure journalists and editors write about their new products, services or initiatives. I feel like it’s time to not be so quiet about it. As you’ll see on my website, I’ve added a quick explainer on what I do […]

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

Are you learning from rejection?

Being turned down is painful. It doesn’t matter if rejection comes at the hands of a crush, employer or editor, the sting can be as sharp as a scorpion attack. But it’s how you learn from failure that separates the despondent from the successful. As a freelance writer who emails more than 250 pitches a […]

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

Why I’m not worried about AI tech coming for my job

The hand-wringing is so prevalent I can practically hear the anxious breathing, the knuckles cracking, the flurry of keystrokes to fine-tune that dusty CV. Journalists are worried about AI encroaching on their livelihood, especially in the light of 2022 headlines about CNET employing AI systems to pen articles. Watch out, writers, AI is coming for […]

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

Why you should ask upfront for half the fee for major projects

When I endured the frustration of not getting paid due to a bankrupt client, I realized I didn’t take my own advice: ask for half a project before you submit the first draft.

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

Read my latest clips for BBC News, Agriculture Dive

This winter has been busy, due in part to working with several new clients such as Agriculture Dive and ForesightDK.

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

Read my latest work in the Star, Princeton Alumni Weekly

If there’s any particular niche I’ve established over the past five years, it’s writing profiles of successful people. I’ve always enjoyed the approach of learning about someone ambitious, interviewing them…

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

Check out my latest clips in Fast Company, BBC News, Toronto Star

Find out where I’ve been published and what I’ve been working on this summer!

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

My four-part Medium series breaks down how to write tight

A year ago, I decided to dabble in writing on Medium, where I saw many fellow writers turn to a a blogging platform. Once I found my footing and niche (writing advice), I launched a four-part series on how to hone the craft. I could’ve waxed poetic on this topic for more than four posts, […]

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

The 5 mistake to avoid when you interview sources

You just landed an interview, ideally in-person, and now you’re wondering how to get the most out of your interviewee. After conducting more than 500 interviews in my work as a freelance journalist, I can attest to how important is to prepare thoroughly and learn to be a strong listener during those one-on-one sessions. But […]

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

The top 3 podcasts for freelance journalists

It’s time to learn about the best podcasts for dishing out advice to freelance journalists!

If you build it, they might not come. But that’s not the point. Just build it.

Get inside my motivation behind writing and performing my solo show Jewnique, and why I Read more

On unforced errors and staying focused

What do unforced errors in tennis have in common with our work as professional writers Read more

Want to inspire yourself? Read Neil Gaiman’s Art Matters

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say every creative person should read Neil Gaiman's Art Read more

On the hustle of freelancing

A question I often get is: How do you hustle to get those freelance gigs? Read more

How being a journalist has made me a stronger creative writer

When I first began working as a journalist, I was worried. I had spent years Read more

My origin story

How did I become a full-time freelance writer and theatre artist? Here's an abridged version...

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