Shortest month of the year but busiest one I’ve had since September, thanks to a slew of BBC News assignments and working with two new clients.
I made it a goal to develop relationships with a new client every quarter, and so far I’ve been succeeding. I’m excited to write for The Daily Hive and Cannabis Health Magazine in the coming year, along with my usual clients such as BBC News, The Washington Post, Fodor’s, and many more.
Where can you find my most recent bylines? See below:
Toronto Star – Profile of Avenue Diner, a Yorkville legend since 1944
The Star’s Sunday Life section is all about those feel-good stories, and once again I’m giving readers an inside look at a diner well-known to downtown Toronto heads. The Avenue Diner has always been my go-to spot when I walked to Yorkville when I lived along Dupont. This time, I got a peek behind the counter to reveal all the celebrity connections this spot enjoys, such as Mike Myers coming here for the Canadian bacon he can’t back in L.A.
BBC News – Inside the geothermal energy revolution
What I love about freelance writing is delving into a topic I’ve long been curious about, and recently I sunk my teeth into geothermal energy. OUCH, that’s sizzling hot!
It’s clear geothermal is on the rise, but its cost and poor PR campaigns have stymied it from breakinginto the mainstream. I predict that will change, as I make the case for that upward trend in the BBC News report.

Toronto Star – The Leafs-bashing fun-loving owner of Lakeshore Super Submarine
This Star assignment has been all smiles, and not just because it was my birthday when I visited George and his sub shop in Etobicoke. The owner is the kind of guy who can’t stop joking, but not in the annoying pun-heavy way. Getting to know George and his motivation for his non-stop focus on running the sub spot was truly inspiring, and hopefully that came through in the article.
Cannabis Health Magazine – The medical cannabis guru who wants to pay it forward
If you know my journalistic specialties by reading htis blog, you know I’ve been a cannabis reporter for a decade. A new cannabis client on my roster is Cannabis Health Magazine, out of B.C., and I’m excited to write for a new cannabis outlet with top-notch articles and reputable writers. In my debut piece for them, I profile Jack Kungel of Ontario, a medical cannabis advocate whose remarkable life story has recently been captured on camera in a short documentary.

The Daily Hive – Toronto fashionista crafts Braille masks for visually challenged
It’s funny how you hear about interesting stories. This fashion trailblazer came to me via the Ryerson Alumni newsletter, since she is also a fellow Rye High grad. My journalistic Spidey sense tweaked when I read about Alexa Jovanovic’s clothing line designed with the visually impaired in mind. She brought Braille designs to masks and shirts and jackets, and also involved people with visual disabilities to take part in the creative phases of getting the startup going.
Check out a few of the Aille Design pieces below: