Journalist. Editor. Coach.

I want to help you learn to...
  • Sharpen your writing
  • Improve your pitches to editors/publishers
  • Work less but earn more $$$

i've written for top-tier publications such as...

years as writer
published articles
0 +
writing workshop sessions
experienced writing coach
to help you today

Welcome to my new website!

I’m a journalist, editor, poet and storyteller. For more than 15 years, I’ve been educating writers of all ages on how to improve on the craft and business of being a professional writer. Today, with so many of us online, I decided to launch writing courses via Zoom to share more of what I’ve learned about succeeding as a freelance journalist and creative artist so I can help YOU become a better writer!

Also, take a look around this site to learn about my solo shows, recent writing and much more.

Featured Writings

Introducing my new PR consulting service to help brands get media attention

I’ve been quietly working with several brands and non-profits over the past couple of years to ensure journalists and editors write about their new products, services or initiatives. I feel like it’s time to not be so quiet about it. As you’ll see on my website, I’ve added a quick explainer on what I do...

Are you learning from rejection?

Being turned down is painful. It doesn’t matter if rejection comes at the hands of a crush, employer or editor, the sting can be as sharp as a scorpion attack. But it’s how you learn from failure that separates the despondent from the successful. As a freelance writer who emails more than 250 pitches a...

Why I’m not worried about AI tech coming for my job

The hand-wringing is so prevalent I can practically hear the anxious breathing, the knuckles cracking, the flurry of keystrokes to fine-tune that dusty CV. Journalists are worried about AI encroaching on their livelihood, especially in the light of 2022 headlines about CNET employing AI systems to pen articles. Watch out, writers, AI is coming for...

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